Thursday, June 23, 2011

Free Will

Note: The following article was posted on my Chinese blog on October 17, 2009, which I am now moving to the English blog.

A comment on Youtube from Bella.


we say there is no free-will because you can´t stop eating or shitting and you can´t leave your body and return at will in full awareness - without dying.

we say there is no free-will - because `free-will´ has been used & abused to justify Separation - where one will justify words or actions saying "I have free-will!" - which becomes a problem when the will of an individual is not aligned with Life´s Will as CommonSense as what is Best for All.

prove your free-will by stopping your Mind.


This comment put the relationships between "wills" into very straightforward perspective. My will as from the starting point of self-interest based on the abusive nature of the mind consciousness system always want to justify/protect its own existence -- free will is the most commonly used excuse/justification/reason to perpetuate the mind's own existence -- "I have free will. I have the right to do whatever i want to do." While the truth is that free will is just another system program to protect the system's own existence through the illusion of free will/free choice while the being who believe such a thing are actually following a program of the mind consciousness system without even knowing that what they are protecting is what is abusing who they really are as Life as all as one as equal. This "my will" is not aligned with Life's will as CommonSense as what's best for all, but based on self-interest -- the abuse of Life. By giving up free will, we give up the protection/defense mechanism of the mind which protects the mind's own existence whose nature is abuse of who we really are as Life as all as one as equal and which always choose self-interest over Life -- within this I replace my will/self-interest with Life's will as CommonSense as what's best for all -- I align myself with who i really am as Life as all as one as equal. Then my will is not personal, not based on self-interest, but the manifestation of Life's will as who i really am as all as one as equal. Give up free will. Give up self-interest. Give up the mind. Give up the personality definition. Give up the individual identity which is based on separation. Give up illusion! For what? For the redeem of who we really are as Life as all as one as equal; for what is real; for a real living. When Life's will is applied individually, heaven is on earth and Life is born in the physical. So this process is to give up my will which is an illusion and align myself with Life's will which is who i really am as who all really are as all as one as equal until it is done until all stand as Life's will as who we really are and we express we live we see what will happen.
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