Jiddu Krishnamurti on Sex
Question: Why does sex play such an important part in each one's life in the world? Jiddu Krishnamurti - There is a particular philosophy, especially in India, called Tantra, part of which encourages sex. They say through sex you reach Nirvana. It is encouraged, so that you go beyond it - and you never do. Jiddu Krishnamurti - Why has sex become so important in our life? It has been so, not only in the present period, but always. Why has sex been so deeply embedded in man? - apart from producing children, I am not talking of that. Why? Probably it is the greatest pleasure a human being has. Demanding that pleasure, all kinds of complications arise; volumes have been written with explanations of the psychological complications. But the authors have never asked the question as to why human beings have made this thing so extremely important in their lives. Our life is in a turmoil, it is a constant struggle, with nothing original, nothing creative - I am using the word `creative' very carefully. The painter, the architect, the wood-carver, he may say he is creative. The woman who bakes bread in the kitchen is said to be creative. And sex, they say, is also creative. So what is it to be creative? The painters, the musicians and the Indian singers with their devotion, say that theirs is the act of creation. Is it? You have accepted Picasso as a great painter, a great creator, putting one nose on three faces, or whatever he does. I am not denying it or being derogatory, I am just pointing it out. That is what is called creation.
But is all that creativeness? Or is creativeness something totally different? You are seeing the expression of creativeness in a painting, in a poem, in prose, a in a statue, in music. It is expressed according to a man's talent, his capacity great or small; it may be modern Rock or Bach - I am sorry to compare the two! - they are quite incomparable.
We human beings have accepted all that as creative because it brings fame, money, position. But I am asking: is that creativity? Can there be creation, in the most profound sense of that word, so long as there is egotism, so long as there is the demand for success, money and recognition - supplying the market? Do not agree with me please. I am just pointing out. I am not saying I know creativity and you do not; I am not saying that.
I am saying we never question these things. I say there is a state where there is creation in which there is no shadow of self. That is real creation; it does not need expression, it does not need self-fulfilment; it is creation. Perhaps sex is felt to be creative and has become important because everything around us is circumscribed, the job, the office, going to the church, following some philosopher, some guru. All that has deprived us of freedom and, further, we are not free from our own knowledge; it is always with us, the past. So we are deprived of freedom outwardly and inwardly; for generation upon generation we have been told what to do. And the reaction to that is: I'll do what I want, which is also limited, based on pleasure, on desire, on capacity. So where there is no freedom, either outwardly or inwardly, specially inwardly, we have only one thing left and that is called sex. Why do we give it importance? Do you give equal importance to being free from fear? No. Do you give equal energy, vitality and thought to end sorrow? No. Why? Why only to sex?
Because that is the easiest thing to hand; the other demands all your energy, which can only come when you are free. So naturally human beings throughout the world have given this thing tremendous importance in life. And when you give something, which is only one part of life, tremendous importance, you are destroying yourself. Life is whole, not just one part.
If you give importance to the whole then sex becomes more or less unimportant. The monks and all those who have denied sex have turned their energy to god but the thing is boiling in them, nature cannot be suppressed. But when you give that thing all-importance, then you are corrupt.
From these words, i discovered a point of my reluctance to give up free will/free choice. My holding onto free will/free choice is actually fear of enslavement/control. When i was a child, i felt that i have been deprived of freedom -- i regard my father as a dictator forcing me to do what he wants me to do and i identified myself as a powerless/helpless slave. I wanted to fight the situation but i did not make a difference because of the finanical dependency and physicality. Thus, i desired so much for freedom, always fighting for freedom -- i do not want to and fear to experience that enslavement and control. Thus, i went into the polar opposite of enslavement/control as free will/free choice -- i will do whatever i want to do; nobody has the right to do what (s)he wants me to do, perceiving/believing i am free in such a way; not allowing myself to realize that this apparent free will/free choice is also of limitation, controled/enslaved through desire and enlightened self-interest. So free will/free choice is the polar opposite of enslavement/control used to escape from/fight with the obvious enslvaement/control, which yet in fact is also enslavement/control.
I have formed such a perception/idea/belief that by giving up free will/free choice i will have no alternative but to go back again to the experience of enslavement/control -- being forced to do what i am told to do. This i definitely do not want to experience again; so i as a MCS will do whatever it takes to fight with it and protect/hold onto free will/free choice which i believed to be my definition of freedom.
What i did not understand is that application of freedom equals application of self-directiveness; real freedom = self-directiveness. Without self-directiveness, i am controled/enslaved. Accepting and allowing enslavement/control of me being forced to do what i am told to do is of course not self-directiveness and thus enslavement/control; but free will/free choice merely counteracting/fighting enslavement/control is also not self-directiveness, but self being directived by fear of enslavement/control and desire to stand as the opposite of and fight with what is presented as enslavement/control, thus lack of self-directiveness = enslavement/control.
It is to release my defintion of apparent enslavement/control and free will/free choice.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define enslavement/control as having no choice and thus in turn define freedom as having choices.
I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to realize that the application of freedom as the application of self-directiveness is not dependent on the situation that i am in -- no matter where i am with whom i am in what situation i am in, i can apply freedom = i can apply self-directiveness.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to form such a perception/idea/belief that freedom can only be applied in a certain situation -- that which is not 'harsh' or 'bad'.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define myself a powerless/helpless slave to my father, perceiving/believing that i can do nothing in such a situation instead of realizing that i did not understand at that time what i can do to direct the situation and that i have the power to direct that situation; i just did not know/realize my own power as self-directiveness.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame my father and the situation for my experience of enslavement and contro; and vitimize myself.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to vitimize myself.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to hold onto my self-definition as a victim and not allowing myself to take self-responsibility.
I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to realize that i am no longer that weak/powerless/helpless child, not being able to stand equal and one as the situation of abuse and direct the situation to stop the abuse.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to form such a perception/idea/belief that i should not interfere my parents' relationship because i have formed such a perception/idea/belief that that is their business and that i have no right to interfere to stop the abuse.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to want to judge myself, accuse myself, and punish myself as a child for me not standing equal and one as that situation and direct, instead of realizing that i did not know how to direct that situation at that time and it is ridiculous to require me to do that without me having a clue of what to do -- i can only do what i can based on my understanding at that moment -- all evaluations must take into consideration who i am at that moment, not who i should be based on my later understanding.
I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to realize the stupidity and ridiculousness of evaluating my action based on who i am at this moment, not taking into consideration who i am at the moment the decision is made and the action taken.
I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to take myself into consideration -- who i am in what i do.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself according to what i did, not taking into consideration who i am.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to hold onto my past definition.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge/accuse/punish myself according to what i did in the past, instead of realizing that judgement/accusation/punishement/abuse/torture can do nothing but make things worse.
I forgive myself that i have not allowed myself to realize that what i 'desired' is not free will/free choice but self-directiveness.
I forigve myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to confuse self-directiveness with free will/free choice.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing self-directiveness instead of realizing that self directiveness is who i am and can not be lost -- i am here; i direct; i am self-directiveness within the consideration of what is best for all.
Application of real freedom equals to applicaton of self-directiveness within the consideration of what is best for all as Life as all as one as equal no matter where i am with whom i am what situation i am in.
I stop abdication of self-directiveness. I stop enslavement/control which is abdication of self-directiveness. I stop being diercted by a situation. I stop being a slave to anything/anyone/any situation in this reality. I stop the fear of enlavement/cotrol. I stop fear being controled/enslaved. I stop reaction towards fear of being controlled/enslaved. I stop defining myself as a powerless/helpless slave and victim. I apply self-directiveness within the consideration of what is best for all. I am here as breath. I direct. I am direction. I am self-directiveness. I am application of freedom as self-directiveness within the consideration of what is best for all.
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