Monday, November 21, 2011

Equal Money System FAQ: Who decides the prices of products and services?

Who decides the prices of products and services.

There is an interim before equal money system called BIG(basic income grant). In the BIG age, products and services still exist and are related to the basic income. In the equal money system prices of products or services will no longer be relevant because life will be the only value. Prices indicate that one will have to buy the right to life. In the equal money system each one is born with the right to life and taken care of automatically and thus one does not need to strive to get money to buy the right to life as in the current system where if you do not have money you will die. Thus we will be no longer be driven by survival but start to actually live, explore and enjoy ourselves. In the equal money system the basic principle is what is best for all. Everything will be in the service of life. Thus all the resources provided by the earth and nature will belong to everyone and will be applied effectively to make sure that everyone could have the best life possible. You will also have access to new things that people come up with, which they do a labour in the form of love to honour other human beings or themselves. These products will be presented on a global scale. If there are enough people willing to work with it or enjoy it, it will be manufactured and made available to all those who want it equally. In this way you will participate in decision making on whether you want the product or not. The basic labour in the equal money system will be done through a conscription system where young people will work in a society management system. They will learn how to produce food and related products and services in a commune-style where they can have fun and parties, interacting with their peers, becoming a fully developed human beings and developing a healthy social structure.


[1] Who decides the prices of products and services

[2] How would food be manufactured and produced? - Equal Money FAQ

Equal Money System FAQ: Will Aliens bring us advanced technology once we exist as one as equal?

Will Aliens bring us advanced technology once we exist as one as equal?

For us to exist as one and equal, we require to implement and live in an equal money system (EMS). The EMS is based on the principle of what is best for all. Within the principle of what is best for all is the understanding that what is best for all is what is best for self thus it is the consideration of all equal and one as self. Living in the EMS based on the principle of what is best for all is thus the practical realization of us existing as one as equal.

At the stage of implementing the EMS, such points as aliens and their advanced technology are not relevant. The problem on earth is a human problem. We have to take self-responsibility to sort out the shit we created on earth. If aliens with advanced technology do exist they would also want to entrust the advanced technology to a trustworthy species which can take self-responsibility, wouldn’t they? I mean, the point of ‘once we exist as one as equal’ is also a requirement that we as a human species be trustworthy, which can only be so through taking full self-responsibility, being fully accountable for our own creation.

The EMS ensures that we as a human species can be trusted as we live as one as equal and be responsible for ourselves and all as ourselves. In the EMS everything is based on the principle of what is best for all. Thus before implementation of an technology it will be first investigated to make sure that it indeed is what is best for all which entails that the technology is not abused in any way whatsoever. Obviously that is not the case in the current system where there are technologies used without proper consideration of consequences or advanced technologies that can benefit all being suppressed due to profit and greed. In the equal money system, those current advanced technologies that are best for all can already be implemented. And the development of science and technology in EMS will no longer be controlled by profit but determined by what is best for all. Thus our scientific and technological endeavor could go even much faster than it does right now, allowing advanced technology to be developed and implemented for the best benefit of all.

Only when we as a human species becomes trust-worthy as in the EMS do the points of alien and their advanced technology become relevant. Then we can investigate these more advanced points of whether aliens actually exist or whether they will bring us advanced technology. I mean, it is really up to the aliens if they do exist. But human species living in the EMS is definitely a species that is worth having contact with and being trustworthy of being revealed to those advanced technology as they know the technology will be used for what is best for all.

Equal Money System FAQ: What will happen to the elite blood lines?

What will happen to the elite blood lines?

The elite is a result of the current system that we are all equally responsible for – a system of profit and greed, a system of evolution – ever losing, within which we become less and less and less within abdicating ourselves for survival. The elite has as much power as we give them. We are all equally responsible for the current status of the world as it exists through our acceptance and allowance of who we are within our participation in the current system. Thus we created this world as the image and likeness as what we accepted and allowed ourselves to be as separation, abuse and inequality.

Within the equal money system, the foundational principle is what is best for all. Thus we will establish a system that values life and remove survival from the equation of each one’s life. We honour each other as who honour ourselves and we actually practically live the principle of ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’. No one will have power and control over another and thus elitism will end in the equal money system.

As each one will face what we accepted and allowed within the system of inequality, so will the elite. The accepted self-definition of the elite as being apparently more than other human beings and the practice of power and control over others thereof through whatever means is actually a dishonour of who they really are as life and thus an acceptance of self-abuse and self-limitation, which requires assistance and correction. They will be re-educated with the value of life and realize that what is best for all is also what is best for themselves. The resources that are provided by the earth and nature and the products that are produced by human thus will be available to all equally to benefit all equally.

Since we all accepted and allowed and participated in the current system and are thus are all equally responsible for what is here in this world, it is not valid to judge and blame the elite for why the world is what it is and use that as justification to seek revenge. Revenge only brings more revenge. The only way to stop the cycle of harming each other is forgiveness. Forgive each other as ourselves and make sure we do not create such harm and abuse ever again.

Reference: What will happen to the Elite? -- Equal Money FAQ